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Latest Episodes
Gordie LaFontaine, Cole Canter, Reid Shumaker, and Colin McKernan draft NCAA mascots and play what's the oldest.
Gordie LaFontaine, Cole Canter, Reid Shumaker, and Colin McKernan do their buys and sells, draft duos and play guessing scale.
Gas Station Stop
Gordie LaFontaine, Cole Canter, Reid Shumaker, and Colin McKernan draft gas station snacks, do their buys and sells and play chameleon.
Animal Street Fight
Gordie LaFontaine, Cole Canter, Reid Shumaker, and Colin McKernan do their weekly buys and sells, draft animals for a street fight, and play guessing scale.
Who's the Goat
Gordie LaFontaine, Cole Canter, Reid Shumaker, and Colin McKernan do their weekly buys and sells, draft all time NFL QBs and play "Are They the Goat?"